
The college has an extravagant counseling scheme under the head of 24Í7 mentoring and teacher guardian to enshrine students’ path to accumulate enormous success. The College endorses mentoring system where faculties help students with their personal and academic challenges. The faculties in charge are the mentors of the students and they meet with their allotted mentees once or twice a month on their scheduled dates to discuss their problems and grievances. The mentor toiling with devout approach to mitigate their problems related to variance of spates. There is a suggestion box also and students are free to drop their grievances without mentioning their names. It helps to ensure quality in teaching learning process by eradicating students’ problems. The college is very particular to execute remedial and extra remedial classes for the students of all calibers according to the needs and requirement. The college anticipates frequent meetings of departments and college to traverse various issues related to teaching learning process along with curricular and co curricular aspects. Teachers are natural mentors of their students. To formalize the same the College has a proper student mentoring system .

    The departments impart various activities with following objectives:
  • To familiarize the students with their personality traits by conducting various co-curricular activities to enable them in selection of jobs or for higher studies.
  • To enable the students to analyze the strengths and weakness of their personality. 3. To provide psychological support to cope up with the challenges of future life.
  • To provide suggestions and guidance for their personality improvement.
  • To conduct individual Counseling Session by the mentors. The faculty members identify the students who need to overcome their psychological problems and achieve their goals successfully. These students are observed and supported by the mentors for the psychological counseling sessions conducted. The faculty members continuously monitor the academic performance of the students. The students are identified on the basis of their performance in the class and motivate them to perform better in the University examinations to score good grades. All the faculty members promote students to participate in various academic events held at National and International level.

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Anand Vihar College For Women
Link Road No-01
Tulsi Nagar Bhopal-462003

Contact:- 0755-2761133,2765294
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